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Body-Mind Energy work with Vibroacoustic Therapy

Goals: Eastern medicine (Chinese, Japanese, Indian) highlight the perception of energy flow as a must for healthy Body-Mind.

Reiki, Meridians, Acupuncture, Chi Gong, Taichi , Yoga and Meditation modalities derive from this perception. Some western medicine and complementary therapies adopted these tools. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technics) – tapping was created as part of energy psychology. Vibroacoustic Therapy vibrates organs, tissues and cells and open stuck energy. We can view Vibroacoustic therapy as whole body tapping from within.


  • What is bodymind energy?

  • How can I feel energy within myself?

  • How can I use Vibroacoustic Therapy to balance inner energy in people I treat?

  • What is the connection between thoughts, emotions, sensations memories, imagination belief system and the physical?

  • How do I unblock energy in different body parts  that may be   possible connected  with Vagus Nerve Stimulation by using low sound frequencies?

How long: 5 zoom sessions of 60 minutes

How: online or in person

Price: $700

Purchase this Course


 -Introduction to Vibroacoustic Therapy

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