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Vibroacoustic Therapy Courses




If you purchased a whole body sonic ergonomic product from TheSoundWell, you are entitled to a free Introduction to vibroacoustic therapy course of 3 zoom sessions, online training and our eBook

Chronic conditions or in recovery  after surgery  require having more then one frequency in a session. In this course we will learn about how to combine 2 or 3 frequencies  

We adopt bad habits for several reasons. Some of them have to do with escape from stress and conflicts. Vibroacoustic Therapy may help us replacing bad habits with better habits before they damage our lives.

Life is constant change. 

Our challenges may bring uncertainty even if we initiated the changes. Vibroacoustic Therapy will balance inner systems an reduce pain, stress, insomnia and anxiety. It clears the mind and calms the body.

Our bodies may be perceived as pipes of energy.  Energy can be stuck as result of our reactions to stress, anxiety, conflicts and physical tension. Vibroacoustic therapy vibrate organs, tissues and cells and may open blocked energy

Adopting Wellness lifestyle could help slow progress of chronic illnesses such as Dementia, Alzheimer, Parkinson and Fibromyalgia. Vibroacoustic therapy is a very effective  tool to help reduce stress, insomnia, anxiety and also can be used to do physical exercises.

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