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Replacing Bad Habits With Better Habits with Vibroacoustic Therapy

Goals: Many of us adopt bad habits such as obsessive eating, drinking too much alcohol, taking drugs, obsessive gaming and others, as ways to escape stress and conflicts. There can be a slippery slope to addiction. If we are aware of the negative impact of bad habits on our biology, relationship and performance at work, we may learn to use Vibroacoustic Therapy to replace bad habits with better ones. Psychotherapists and coaches may adopt this modality as well.



  • Define a bad habit

  • Run a journal to explore when it manifests

  • Explore positive habits from your experience or  a positive imaginative solution that may replace the bad habit

  • Calm your mind, calm your body with Vibroacoustic Therapy

  • Write a scenario to activate the new habit

  • Visualize it

  • Activate the new habit in real life

How long: 5 zoom sessions of 60 minutes

How: online or in person

Price: $700

Purchase This Course


 -Introduction to Vibroacoustic Therapy

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